Friday, March 1, 2019

99 versus 1

Is it any less violent for the 99 to kill, enslave and/or rob the 1 versus the 1 to kill, enslave and/or rob the 99?

Is it any less presumptuous for the 99 to impose or intrude upon the 1 versus the 1 to impose or intrude upon the 99?

Is it any less unethical for the consenting 99 to disregard the dissenting 1 versus the consenting 1 to disregard the dissenting 99?

Is it any less tyrannical for the 99 to democratically rule the 1 versus the 1 to autocratically rule the 99?

To logically thus consistently broaden the context, are any of the aforementioned more or less unethical if matters are preferential sexuality versus personal property, communal activity versus individual undertaking, others' priority versus another's liberty, perceived safety versus actual privacy and so on per innumerable comparisons?

To theologically trouble the waters further, did not Christ expressed by parable a consistent emphasis upon the 1 lost then found with the 99 in fold (Lk 15:1-7, see note)?

Biblical references are often used to justify Socialism even Communism, of course such attempts sidesteps the not-so-obscure historical fact. As a minister once instructively yet naively stated to me, "Well, you know, what was actually practiced in the book of Acts was Communism." Satirically I reminded, "Except for the subtle difference between voluntary charity and communal living per a commonly shared ideology versus enforced confiscation and communal existence per a commonly imposed policy."

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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