Monday, October 22, 2018

Cronyism's economies

Cronyism's economies, like United States, Canada, Britain, France, and others, are nothing more than playing board games of arbitrary rules centrally, arrogantly enforced towards arbitrary objectives centrally, presumptuously determined. That is to say, these same rules and objectives are often if not always contrary to individual reasoning thus individual preferences, consequently detrimental to individual well-being, of course preceding the inhumane disregard for the individual right to consent or dissent on all matters.

It follows, if one or more succeed at playing the board games as described, would it necessarily equate to succeeding economically, logically, ethically. Instead, would it be merely keen in managing and manipulating rules and objectives to benefit the fortunate one, few, many or most, regardless the perceived communal gain or social justice, consistently at the expense of the managed and manipulated unfortunate others. So goes all isms save one; Individualism.

By some of these posts, you are reading drafts for my follow-up book; More Proems & Poems on the Peculiar Human Ability to Reason, Singular Human Right to Consent & Other Neglected Matters.

Come let us Reason (Is 1:18). Peace is always a Choice (Mt 5:9).

Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath (2 Tm 2:15 / Cl 3:23).

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