Saturday, June 3, 2017

Peace is not Dead

It is logicaly true, peace is not dead, merely not chosen. Meanwhile...

Facebook is quite dead regarding any true discourse among logical, respectful individuals. Casual observation reveals mindsets that of pseudo-academic drones, socio-moralistic minions, poli-religious acolytes, all seemingly reading scripts written by self-serving playwrights on behalf of a few directors and producers competing, although collaborating cohorts when schemes necessitate. Above the eiderdown, society divides, polarizes and clings to their preferred major party as divorcing spouses to two sides of the same bed, however under the satin sheets the similarities are an ongoing ideological thus methodological coitus between lustfully, covetously rabid paramours. Consequently the deleting of my Facebook account.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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