Thursday, May 4, 2017

American Health Care Act

US House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act, so on to the Senate. With that said, this is nothing more than Fascistic Socialists debating with other Fascistic Socialists over two versions of same Fascistic Socialist program. The difference is merely partisan, not ideological, certainly not logical or economical.

Additionally, just as Obamamites did not say anything of Obama's warmongering while critiquing Trump's warmongering (who is barely getting started compared to Obama), Trumpsters will not critique TrumpCare as Socialism as they did of ObamaCare.

In the end, both Militarism and Socialism are anti-Individualism thus anti-Liberty as well economically detrimental, no matter the party's version of them.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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