Thursday, December 15, 2016

Blessed are the Peacemakers and Merry Christmas!

Joyeux Noël, 2005 film directed by Christian Carion, beautifully even poetically scripted in three languages, starring Daniel Brühl, Guillaume Canet, Benno Fürmann, Diane Kruger, Gary Lewis and others. Perhaps the greatest Christmas film ever made, based on various spontaneous events, militarily unofficial even condemned later by some, when opposing combatants along the western front during WW1 laid down their arms, shook hands, exchange drinks and greetings on Christmas Eve 1914. May they forever be remembered as men and veterans not of war but of peace.

One of the film's songs, Hymne des Fraternisés (long version), also known as I'm Dreaming of Home...

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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