Sunday, September 4, 2016

The forthcoming THE MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS and past books by D.C. Quillan Stone

I have commenced writing the final Act 4 and Epilogue for the final poetic mystery of the soon-to-be-published 9th book THE MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS & Other Poetic Mysteries. The book will also include the 4 page epic and somewhat perambulating poem entitled Mysteries as Love's Epistles. Including as well at end of book a compilation of the Rhymes on Rye No. 1-32 for readers' convenience, that is, the verses artistically howbeit laboriously scattered throughout the poetic mysteries. Projected publication of book will be sometime latter 2016, or perhaps early 2017 at the latest. The stanza below is an excerpt from Act 3's conclusion...

"As wristwatches’ persisting ticks, throats gulping thick
Teeth grinding picks, all resounding in odd pronouncing
Broad echoing, along veins pulsating, a macabre chorus
Within time amorphous (reeling amid life’s cacophony
Upon death’s final symphony, one’s intimacy nonesuch
And as such or much, to propend, propound or pretend)"


Both books (above) published May 2015. Click on covers to preview/purchase.


Three books (above) published Jan 2007, Mar 2009 and Nov 2011 respectively. Click on covers to preview/purchase.


Three books (above) published Dec 2001, Oct 2003 and Sep 2005 respectively. Click on covers to preview/purchase.

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