Friday, November 5, 2021

Exposing my madness... or is it so mad?

Exposing my madness... or is it so mad? :-)

First image shows preliminary notes while developing two natural laws of ethic(s) regarding the "singular human right to consent or dissent on all matters". I shall propose the Law of Consensual Unity and Law of Ethical Continuity in my forthcoming 12th book entitled Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters...

No. 225 - Law of Consensual Unity / Part 1
No. 226 - Law of Consensual Unity / Part 2
No. 227 - Law of Ethical Continuity / Part 1
No. 228 - Law of Ethical Continuity / Part 2
No. 229 - Laws, Gates, Tables and Expressions / Part 1
No. 230 - Laws, Gates, Tables and Expressions / Part 2

I relied on Leibniz's development of binary, Boole's logical use of algebra and binary (later known as Boolean algebra or logic), Wittgenstein's truth tables, Shannon's logic gates thus digital circuit theory as well Boole's insistence that properly written syllogism can be expressed algebraically. Hence I made use of my own logical constructions of two proposed laws as syllogisms then demonstrated the consistencies by way of truth tables, logic gates and pseudo code.

Why should I prove the consistency of my ethical argument regarding the "right to consent or dissent on all matters"? Without consistency as prerequisite, any ethical as well truthful, factual, scientific, mathematical proposition and conclusion would be suspicious if not arbitrary. If to persist then insist on such arbitrariness then presumption and arrogance as gravely demonstrated widespread in today's academia, science, morality, society, polity and more.

Additionally, I will be syllogistically proposing another consistency thus ethic, by referencing as the Schaefferian Law of Anterior Covetousness per my last book's Proem & Poem Nos. 147-155 logically founded upon the 1st chapter of the 1971 book True Spirituality by theologian Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984). So it follows, if disrespected, disregarded, transgressed then trampled the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on ALL matters, Covetousness always without exception the rot at core of such disrespect, disregard, transgression and trample.

No. 231 - Schaefferian Law of Anterior Covetousness / Part 1
No. 232 - Schaefferian Law of Anterior Covetousness / Part 2

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor. till last Breath.

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