Sunday, November 14, 2021

Certainly news agencies like CNN, MSNBC, BBC and other major networks are not covering the mass demonstrations... while Fox News and those of similar persuasions provide minimal attention...

Certainly news agencies like CNN, MSNBC, BBC and other major networks are not covering the mass demonstrations around the world against economic lockdowns, vaccine/mask mandates, vaccine passports thus crimes against humanity, while Fox News and those of similar persuasions provide minimal attention. Only alternative news appropriately, rightly cover these historic events.

The false narratives (propaganda) and congressional investigation regarding Jan 6 demonstration are having "chilling effects" upon coverage of any demonstration, the same insidious effects intended of course by Department of Justice Secretary memo to the FBI about parents at local school board meetings.

Intimidation and threat escalated to unprecedented levels in the city streets of 2020 remaining uncharged and unprosecuted, the same expedient method now cloaked and draped in polities and legalities. Yet there continues a hesitancy to compare the rise of American Fascism the last two decades (at least) to the rise of German Fascism the two decades between WW1 and WW2.

In case words and terms are still problematic, consider the below logical, consistent definitions...

FASCISM is of course the top-down regulatory methodology towards total control of the economy, while COMMUNISIM the bottom-up confiscatory methodology towards total control of the economy. Thus the two are paths for the same objective.
CRONYISM or CORPORATISM is merely Fascism in part although progressing incrementally, digressing inevitably towards total control of the economy.
SOCIALISM is the stale bread tossed to the Roman mob thereupon insatiably covetous for every sort of arrogated middling. That is to say, the foregoing of their Individual sovereignty, power thus freedom so to be appeased, subsidized and purchased with goods, services even monies underwritten by mass Fascistic regulatory or Communistic confiscatory appropriation of a person’s purse, possession, property and production and the subjugation of the same person’s propensity, prerogative, preference and purpose.
INDIVIDUALISM, in stark contrast to the former, is the constant respect hence consistent regard for each and every person's Peculiar Human Ability to Reason manifested as the Singular Human Right to Consent or Dissent on all matters.

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