Saturday, February 19, 2022

12th Book on Ability to Reason, Right to Consent; Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 267

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2022, my 12th book entitled appropriately; Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the 10th and 11th books...


~ George Boole and Aristotle's Dictum / Reprise ~

To further correlate although elaborate briefly, so it follows (although see first Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 266).

Religion often parallels while considering particularly Christianity’s various binaries longstanding like Morality versus Iniquity, Righteousness versus Sin, Salvation versus Damnation, Holy versus Unholy, Heaven versus Hell, Form versus Void, Light versus Darkness and so it follows, Angels versus Demons/Devils, Gabriel versus Lucifer, God versus Satan and dramatically iconic; Heel of Christ versus hence upon Head of Serpent.

Obviously, some would retort then claim as unnecessary, irrelevant even injurious such theological references as compelling parallels. Howbeit, would such historically comparative prevalence, thematic consistency be so quickly ignored, so easily discarded if categorically something other?

As much as there is observably critical significance to identify the point in history then forward shared by the Evolutionist and Creationist per the moment the specie human first reasoned (see Proem & Poem No. 199), so it is by the aforementioned correlations, elaborations thus parallels, rendering no less, no more charity the logical harmony of it all if to insist either posture as arguably superior.


Frailties abate not, rather one’s state of Self quite fraught
All a fright as the human lot mid rock and stone well caught
Fuck then roam, aft’ feast later moan, ergo fight on wet loam
The mud sanguine with blood per presumption’s syndrome 

Ah, arrogance’s drones hail and prevail on confiscated air
`Hind subsidized podiums too, thus breastplate’d the au pairs
Shielding the covetous glares, the shroud as cloak tent-flaps
Upon socio-rapes across politic-scapes, the fondest of traps


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2022 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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