Friday, August 26, 2016

Rhyme on Rye No. 29

The poetic trilogy THE MEMPHIS NIGHTCLUB MURDERS are near completion as the story-line rushes, as lushes to trough, to dramatic scoff and cuff, flesh and thud per flood of blood `tween rain and mud, along US 61 near state line, mid early AM hours of a stormy morn on March 31, 1957...

Rhyme on Rye No. 29

“Damnation rings, by obsessed things, as little-kings within
Reason lacking, inner-trolls stacking, racking to bitter ends
Blending the ash-n-cinder, descending on litters of corpses
O monotony’s lovely courses and insanity’s rutted forces”

... for the previous 28 Rhymes on Rye, see link below...

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