Monday, March 21, 2016


To break down further the issue(s) of fairness thus consent, that is, beyond particulars like taxes (see post FAIR versus UNFAIR Taxes), comparatively consider "consensual" sexual activity per these videos' metaphoric use of tea...

Tea and Consent (English)...

Tea and Consent (translated to American :-) )...

... Now, over the next few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years (literally), apply this same principle of consent to ALL activities public, private, group/club, economical, social, academic, religious, even political/legal, until you cannot think of another.


SEX engaged without mutual consent is violent therefore rape.

EXCHANGE conducted without mutual consent is violent therefore theft.

WORK imposed without mutual consent is violent therefore slavery.

TERMINATION executed without mutual consent is violent therefore murder.

Simply and conversely...

SEX engaged with mutual consent is no longer violent therefore entertainment, friendship, relationship, marriage, etc.

EXCHANGE conducted with mutual consent is no longer violent therefore barter, buy/sale, loan, gift, benevolence, etc.

WORK imposed with mutual consent is no longer violent therefore employment, voluntary/charitable labor, etc.

TERMINATION executed with mutual consent is no longer violent therefore assisted suicide.

Regardless how one prioritize sexual activity among nonsexual activities, the moral considerations are quite high nevertheless. Though each of us may draw different lines for limitations or allowances, none of us would exclude the ethical necessity for mutual consent. If this is true for something of this importance, would not logic consistently dictate the same consideration for those things of lesser and greater importance as well. By making exceptions, are we not questioning the very nature of truth or principle; consistency.

Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

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