Wednesday, January 5, 2022

12th Book on Ability to Reason, Right to Consent; Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 257

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2022, my 12th book entitled appropriately; Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the 10th and 11th books...


~ Of Propositions and Problems ~

Of propositions and problems there are—to comprehend the matter in outline—three divisions; for some are ethical propositions, some are on natural science, while some are logical.

Aristotle (384-322 BC), Organon / Topica, Book I, Chapter 14

Interpolated among many comments private or public as well the latest two books and this, are repetitive usages of similar Aristotelian-esque sequences of adverbs; Observably (notably, determinably, etc), Logically thus Consistently, Ethically and/or Sustainably. This is the nature of consciousness, reason therefore discovery, evolvement towards all things scientific, economic, social, psychological, personal, moral and more, or to simply put, the proper discovery of all things.

Contrary to discovery thus evolvement would be latency then devolvement per opposite adverbs as Imaginably or Fantastically, Randomly or Arbitrarily, Preferentially, Covetously, Presumptuously and/or Arrogantly, towards of course all things unscientific, noneconomic, nonsocial, pathological, impersonal, immoral and more.

To reverse engineer (if you will) regarding anything considered ethical or as ethic, consistency would be paramount to observe then determine, else something other than ethical, that is to say, non-ethical perhaps unethical. To reverse engineer further per consistency as paramount, then preceding would be logical determination upon observation by deducing to particulars, inducing to universals, else and once again something other than ethical, that is to say, non-ethical perhaps unethical.


To live by the violent blade, bullet, bomb, now the drone
Palms o’er bogarted hearts, thus the departed `low tombstones
To live by the politician’s violent pen, paper, equally the laws
Zen’ed by covetous souls, thus dire effects by desired cause 

To live by another’s leave, forced to cleave, later to bereave
Assailing agitprop as prevailing backdrop so cleverly weaved
To breathe the toxicity `tween the complicity and duplicity
Inflating the whimsy as fancied infinity till end of the elasticity


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2022 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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