Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thank God for companies like Daily Wire, for taking this ardent "Hell no!" stand against Fascistic "top-down regulatory methodological" tyranny...

I happen to work for a company with less than 100 employees (my day profession, poetry/philosophy/ethic my evening profession), so I'm not directly affected... yet. And I am not Republican and certainly not Democrat, so I'm not always 100% in agreement with Daily Wire's political position. HOWEVER... Thank God for companies like Daily Wire, for taking this ardent "Hell no!" stand against Fascistic "top-down regulatory methodological" tyranny (oppose to Communistic "bottom-up confiscatory methodological" tyranny).

Consequently, I am now contemplating to become a paid subscriber of Daily Wire... So I raise my glass of rye whiskey, tip my fedora, and hail, "Well done!!!"

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