Saturday, December 25, 2021

12th Book on Ability to Reason, Right to Consent; Proposition, Problem & Poem No. 239

Most likely to be published later this summer of 2022, my 12th book entitled appropriately; Propositions, Problems & Poems on the Peculiar Human ABILITY to REASON, Singular Human RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover a slightly modified yet appropriate version of the 10th and 11th books...


~ Vox Humana Unius Vox Humana Alterius Non ~

So it follows (to reiterate), one’s human voice certainly is not the same as God’s voice or in Latin vox humana vox dei non, nor one’s human voice the same as another’s human voice or also in Latin vox humana unius vox humana alterius non. The finiteness of humanity, nay the precise position ergo finiteness of each and every individual’s space (x,y,z) at any given moment in time (t), preempts observably, logically, consistently any conjured justification to presume to think, speak then act on behalf of God or another individual.

If to consider within the grander context perhaps states, nations as well unions, confederations, realms, it is quite obvious the covetousness, presumption, arrogance, violation per the iron-hand rule by kings, despots, tyrants, dictators. As heinously slave masters as well kidnappers, hijackers, thieves, rapists, murderers possess no different posture therefore require no different consideration. For all without exception think, speak, act upon their own preferences thus disrespecting and disregarding others’ preferences, yet equally although unrecognizably heinous within democracies. Consequently, politicians as elected, bureaucrats as appointed, enforcers (i.e. military, police) as employed, can justifiably stand no further behind kings, despots, tyrants, dictators along with kidnappers, hijackers, thieves, rapists, murderers and more.

Each and every of the aforementioned must be judged and condemned, guilty of the same covetousness, presumption, arrogance and violation by use of force political/legal or criminal/illegal, variously transgressing, assuredly trampling others’ person, people (family), privacy, propensity, prerogative, preference, principle, purpose, pursuit as well profession, purse, portfolio, possession, property and more. If ever an application for another Latin phrase hence commonly known legal maxim, actus me invito factus non est meus actus, surely it is as previously exemplified.

However more importantly, by such understanding self-evident else studiously experiential, the hairs on back of neck innately raise, the mind intellectually rise in just defiance ergo the human voice certainly not the same as God’s voice or vox humana vox dei non, then immediately one’s human voice not the same as another’s human voice or also in Latin vox humana unius vox humana alterius non


Terse the knack, curse the bushwhack, first the unsuspecting loyalist
Hence the bedecking nationalist, as patriots wail upon hail the royalist
Prior to elitists’ glee-turn-frenzy, devouring the subsidized banquet
The prize yonder covetousness, the surmise by arrogance if to admit

Fairness even Justice, a rareness as Augustus’ authenticity
Ergo, actual (else not) the Pax Romana, the Great Duplicity
A conqueror’s peace upon the conquered and deceased
And slavery’s consent if slaves relent, or worse, showpiece’d


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.
Study, Ponder, Labor, till last Breath.

Copyright © 2022 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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