Saturday, February 24, 2018

TE DEUM LAUDAMUS - Connoted Collection of Nos. 85-86

Most likely to be published later this spring of 2018, my 10th book currently entitled; 100 Proems & Poems on the HUMAN ABILITY to REASON, HUMAN RIGHT to CONSENT & Other Neglected Matters. The following will probably be included upon further editing, and front cover below merely a working version....

TE DEUM LAUDAMUS - Connoted Collection of Nos. 85-86

Citizenry and laity colluding thus “Te Deum laudamus”
Nonetheless, the Natural Grace they effaced by distrust
Assayed as rust, tossed like dross, hot the fuss till gone
The thrill’s final dawn, upon twilight forever and anon


“Te Deum laudamus” hence “Te Vexillum spondemus”
 “Te Vexillum spondemus” ergo “Te Imperium laudamus”
Individualism nailed to cross, thrown to funeral pyre
Per the appeasing luminal for whores o’er abetted fires


Come let us Reason. Peace is always a Choice.

Copyright © 2016-2018 by D.C. Quillan Stone

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